Logo Porta Cabos

Model M201

The side chains’ structure consists of welded carbon steel links. Its robust constructive characteristics are ideal for installations in extreme environments.

link’s external height (hg): 80 mm   
Carrier’s external width (Bk): 120 mm*
Radius of curvature (R): 115 – 300 mm*

*Contact us for different widths and radiuses.


Measured in millimeters. Contact us for different widths and radiuses.


Measured in millimeters. Contact us for different widths and radiuses.

Related Products

Nylon Cable Carrier - Unibloc Series

Nylon injected links with fiberglass. Its monobloc structure ensures a greater stability when applied to long lengths.
Available in different lengths and radiuses of curvature, as well as accessories such as: vertical dividers, guide channels, terminals with integrated combs.

All available models: (click to see measurements)

Links Height:
27 mm

Width External Link: 13 mm

Radius: 37–100 mm

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Links Height:
27 mm

Widht External Link: 19 mm

Radius: 37–100 mm

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Links Height:
27 mm

Width External Link: 24 mm

Radius: 37–100 mm

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Links Height:
27 mm

Width External Link: 37 mm

Radius: 37–100 mm

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Links Height:
27 mm

Width External Link: 53 mm

Radius: 37–100 mm

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Links Height:
34 mm

Width External Link: 58 mm

Radius: 52–200 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 108 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Nylon Cable Carrier - Basic Series

Nylon injected links reinforced with fiberglass. The links have removable straps that ease the insertion and/or maintenance of the cables and hoses.

Its robust design ensures high speed functioning even in severe condition environments.
Available in different widths and radiuses of curvature, as well as accessories such as: vertical dividers, guide channels, comb integrated terminals.

All available models (click to see measurements):

Links Height:
40 mm

Width External Link: 38 mm

Radius: 52–200 mm

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Links Height:
40 mm

Width External Link: 58 mm

Radius: 52–200 mm

Links Height:
40 mm

Width External Link: 78 mm

Radius: 52–200 mm

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Links Height:
40 mm

Width External Link: 103 mm

Radius: 52–200 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 65 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 108 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 125 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 150 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Links Height:
62 mm

Width External Link: 169 mm

Radius: 90–300 mm

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Hybrid Cable Carriers - Kombinata Series

The hybrid carriers in this series have nylon links reinforced with fiberglass in its side chains and trays in special and exclusive aluminum alloy. This hybrid set combines the dynamics and advantages of polyamide with the resistance of the metallic tray.
As well as our other products, the Kombinata series is made entirely in Brazil.
The Kombinata series has three different models, with five different trays; in aluminum RS, RM, LG, RMD or steel (rouletted), the latter in carbon or stainless steel, depending on the purpose of use.

Acessórios disponíveis: separadores, pentes para fixação dos condutores, calhas-guia e sapatas deslizantes.  

Todos os modelos disponíveis (clique e veja as medidas):

Links Height: 57 mm

Radius: 75 – 260 mm

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Links Height: 80 mm

Radius: 140 – 380 mm

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Links Height:  96 mm

Radius: 180 – 500 mm

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The carriers in the series were developed to protect the conductors in 3D motion. These carriers consist of high resistance polymer injected links assembled over a steel cable. This structure ensures that the effort from the motion is absorbed by the SPINA, and not by the conductors, thereby increasing its lifetime. Its unique design allows for the easy insertion and maintenance of conductors.

Available accessories: Terminals, conductor setting combs, shock absorbers and protective covers.

All available models (click to see measurements)

Diameter: 45 mm 

Area: 30 mm

Radius: 80 mm

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Diameter: 60 mm

Area: 40 mm

Radius: 115 mm

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Diameter: 80 mm

Area: 54 mm

Radius: 145 mm

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Dianeter: 90  mm

Area: 58 mm

Radius: 175 mm

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Diameter: 105 mm

Area: 68 mm

Radius: 195 mm

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Analisamos cada aplicação e desenvolvemos a melhor solução em esteiras porta cabos.


Eficiência e durabilidade, assegurados pelo uso de matérias primas de alta qualidade.


As esteiras porta cabos são de fácil instalação em movimentos lineares, circulares. Um guia prático de instalação acompanha cada fornecimento.


O melhor prazo de entrega do mercado graças a uma fabricação de componentes altamente verticalizada

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